Hypnotic Headline Swipe File
The ability to write a good headline is the difference between success and failure. In any niche.
And that’s not hyperbole.
In a world of instant gratification where another website is just a mouse click away, website owners need to find ways to grab the attention of a user, and long enough to convey their message.

Considering an average Internet user only spends 10-20 seconds on a page before being lost to Internet obscurity, that’s no mean feat.
Internet users are skimmers, who speed read until a piece of content looks interesting enough to read properly.
That gives you one chance.
One opportunity to capture your prospects imagination, before they wander off into Internet wonderland.
And you can do it…If you’re a skilled headline writer.
Some headlines are so mesmerising you simply can’t resist clicking. And guess what…
That’s what this swipe file will provide.
Smart entrepreneurs and skilled copywriters have access to huge swipe file libraries of quality headlines.
Every time they need one, it’s simply a matter of running down the list, trying out a few combinations and as if by magic…An irresistible headline appears.
You now have that power. With this swipe file…
Keep it by your side always and let it shine a light on your wonderful content.
Operating Instructions
The good news?
You can use this file for just about anything, amigos.
Check it:
- Blog post titles
- Sales page headlines
- Lead magnate offers
- Landing page headlines
- Email subject lines
Whatever floats your boat.
Within approximately 7.9 seconds, you can pick a groovy headline template, substitute a couple of words and have a killer headline on your hands.
Maybe even a viral post.
Many of these headlines have been around since the birth of copywriting and they’re still in use today.
Because they work. And no, it’s not cheating. Taking a proven formula and adapting it for your own means just makes sense.
Here’s what I recommend:
Read through the list and for each headline, write a couple of your own examples. Soon you’ll have headlines coming out of your ears, perfect for any scenario.
Each time you dream up a new variation, add it to your list (I recommend Evernote).
The result?
Bucketloads more clicks on your content, and the chance to show readers just how awesome you are.
Sounds good doesn’t it?
How to Headlines
- “How to launch a seven figure blog in under 12 months”
- “How to guarantee your child gets into Harvard”
You see these headlines all over the web.
Why do they work so well?
Because they promise a solution to your customers' problems.
And yep, we've all got problems!
The how-to guarantees structure in your life - a step-by-step process to get s**t done.
They also benefit you as a writer.
If you can’t decide on a direction for your content, write how-to at the top of the page, followed by your topic.
It’ll force you to stick to the core message of your article/email/sales page.
To communicate real value to your readers.
If in doubt, chuck one of these babies at the front of your headline and watch your traffic soar.
How to [blank]
How to tell your boss you quit
How to [action/benefit] in [specific time period]
How to build a blog in 10 minutes
How to [action] like [famous person/company]
How to sing like Justin Bieber
How to [desirable quality]
How to win friends and influence people
How to [benefit] (without/even [common problem])
How to travel the world (even if you have no money)
How to [action] without [objectionable Action]
How to start investing without all the fees
How to take charge of [subject]
How to take charge of your children
How to use [action] to [benefit]
How to Use Credit Cards to Travel for Free
How to [benefit] with [item/action]
How to make money with coupons
How much is your [problem] really costing you
How much is your leaky funnel really costing you
Number Headlines
- “7 places you have to visit before you die”
- “18 ways to peel a potato”
Sound familiar?
Sites like Buzzfeed use list posts for most articles.
And with good cause…
They work like gangbusters.
Did you know…
When doctors are (frequently) running late, patients become more irritable when they don't know how long they’ll have to wait?
That's why there are little timers on the wall, to stop random acts of violence in the waiting room.
That’s the psychology behind list posts…
When we commit to a task, we like to know exactly how long it’ll take.
Number headlines provide this information up front.
“Reason why” headlines often make brilliant lists…
For example, "8 reasons why this swipe file is your new best friend."
[Number of] little known ways to [benefit]
8 little known ways to network effectively in business
[Number of] ways to [action]
10 ways to tie your shoelaces
The top 10 [blank]
The top 10 beaches in the world
[Number of] ways to [benefit]
57 ways to live a dream life abroad
11 steps to [blank]
11 steps to financial freedom
[Number of] mistakes [threat]
SEO mistakes you don't know you're making
[Number of] easy tricks to [simplify life]
29 easy tricks to make your kids go to bed
101 [blank] for [event]
101 party ideas for your next birthday
[Number of] surprising [action of person group]
29 surprising celebrity workouts
[Number of] things you probably didn't realise about [group]
18 things you probably didn't realise about WordPress users
Curiosity Headlines
- “The secret of getting to 1000 blog subscribers”
- “Ever wonder how to instantly attractive to the opposite sex, using just a comb?”
Ever fallen for the curiosity headline?
“She was in the middle of a graduation speech, but you'll never guess what happened next...”
Yep, I'm a sucker for 'em.
This psychological trick plays on a readers need to fill the information gap left by the headline.
TV shows work in the same way.
Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy; the shows I’ve dedicated weeks of my life to.
They operate on the cliffhanger syndrome.
Where you can’t wait to watch the next instalment to see what happens.
Create the same tension with your curiosity headlines and you’re golden.
A caveat though; your readers require some knowledge of your headline topic or you'll have dud.
For example, a headline like...
“Do you know the best way to rewire a house?”
Wouldn't work for me, as I have zero interest in rewiring houses.
But guess the ultimate way of creating a curiosity headline?
Read on to find out.
See what I did there? 😉
The secret to [benefit]
The secret to youthful looking skin
Don’t [action] until you [action]
Don't buy another watermelon until you read this
Don’t [action] this if you want [situation]
Don't download these plugins if you want your website to run smoothly
[Blank]‘s best kept secrets
Thailand's best-kept secrets
The amazing story of [just enough curiosity]
The amazing story of the baby whale and dog
[Blank] secrets every [audience] should know
12 secrets every entrepreneur should know
Discover the truth about [blank]
Discover the truth about the government healthcare reform plan
Do you know these surprisingly simple ways to [action]?
Do you know these surprisingly simple ways to carve a pumpkin?
Why [action] may actually be detrimental to [something reader cares about]
Why eating kale may actually be detrimental to your health
10 [something] to/in the perfect [something] (you won't believe number 9!)
10 ingredients in the perfect chocolate cake (you won't believe number 9!)
Question Headlines
- “Do you close the bathroom door, even when your the only one home?” Come on, I know you do! This is actually a real headline by the famous copywriter Bob Bly!
- “Do you dream of working from an exotic beach, laptop in hand?”
When asked a question, people love to find the answer.
And guess what treasure seekers...
Your piece of content will provide the answer.
Question headlines are effective when they identify a reader's problem.
So you can then provide the solution.
Another reason to use a question headline is to support a claim you can’t state as a promise or benefit...
“Can using [your product] really boost your monthly income by 61%?”
Maybe/maybe not. But stated as a question, you’re implying it can in some cases.
Plus you big yourself up like a pimp.
Do you know [desirable situation]?
Do you know the highest paid job in the world?
How many of these [something’s] do you recognize?
How many of these child actors do you recognize?
Could this [technique] lead to [benefit]?
Could this new headline trick double your click through rate?
Are you [undesirable situation]?
Are you paying too much for your web hosting?
What does your [personality/trait] say about You?
What does your starsign say about you?
What makes a [desirable situation]?
What makes a great entrepreneur?
10 [classifications]: Which one are you?
10 types of driver: Which one are you?
Feel like [identify pain]
Feel like your business just isn't going anywhere?
Tired of [undesirable situation]? Here's the secret to [blank]
Tired of arguing with your partner? Here's the secret to good communication
Which of these [blank] should you [blank]?
Which of these credit cards should you use?
Do [group of people] secretly think you're a [certain way]?
Do your customers secretly think you're overcharging them?
Piggyback Headlines
- “What Oprah eats for breakfast”
- “5 ways to become as handsome as Ryan Gosling”
Piggyback headlines are the bomb.
Because you can leverage social proof to elevate your brand.
Celebrities or influencers in your niche spend lots of time and money building their brand.
To the point they’re household names with you target audience.
Using your headline for some tactical name-dropping acts as an endorsement for your content.
Your business instantly gains credibility and trust when associated with a recognisable brand.
Warning: You must be ethical when using the piggyback headline.
Don’t imply you’ve interviewed Barack Obama if you haven’t.
Otherwise, piggyback away!
What [special group of people] can teach us about [blank]
What Presidents can teach us about productivity
The [special group of people] guide to [blank]
The Olympic athletes guide to running
The secret [special group of people] use to [benefit]
The secret Hollywood actresses use to have white teeth
How to [desired result] get ripped liked [world class example]
How to get ripped like a Navy Seal
What [special person] [action] for [desired result]
What Brad Pitt eats for perfect abs
How [impressive number] [desired result] in just [time period]
How fighter pilots improved their vision in just 12 hours
[Famous person's] top 10 tips for [desirable result]
Will Smith's top 10 tips for becoming an actor
Can [famous brand] really [desirable result]?
Can Tony Robbins really help you become financially independent?
[Action] like [desired person]
Lift weights like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Secrets of [special group]
Secrets of sports stars
Threat Headlines
- “What happened to this family’s fortune when they didn’t prepare a will”
- “The danger of not training your dog”
We’re all paranoid.
Some people are fearful of being invaded by aliens.
Others are afraid of an apocalypse
I actually am…I may tell you about it sometime.
On second thoughts maybe not, ‘cos you’ll think I’m weird.
Essentially though, we’re all scared of losing something we value.
We worry about some unexpected scenario in the future, which may impact on us negatively.
Our sly little minds enjoy playing tricks on us…
We constantly question ourselves…
Are we doing enough to guarantee that promotion?
Will Billy get into a good school?
Are we prepared in case [bad event] happens?
The trick of making threat headlines effective is to know your reader.
The more specific you tune into their fears, the better they work.
11 things you [trusted person] won't tell you
11 things your bank manager won't tell you
The biggest lie in [subject] (and what you can do about it)
The biggest lie in blogging (and what you can do about it)
8 warning signs [highlight pain]
8 warning signs Google hates your business
The [blank] risk hiding in your [blank]
The fire risk hiding in your child's bedroom
Alert: the new [warning] scam to avoid
Alert: the new cybercrime scam to avoid
Can we really trust [topical subject]?
Can we really trust single opt in?
10 great lies of [subject/audience referencing]
10 great lies of online marketing
The shocking truth about [insert shock]
The shocking truth about your child's education
Why you shouldn't pay for [task] (and what you should do instead)
Why you shouldn't pay for business advice (and what you should do instead)
Do not try another [blank] until you [take this action]
Do not try another diet until you read this report
What [state] could mean for your [state]
What feeling tired could mean for your health
Competition for attention is fierce in these shark invested online seas. Your headline is the first, and in many cases, last thing a potential customer will ever see.
You need to guarantee headline clicks. It’s the only way to snuff out your competition.
So use this swipe file with abandon. Plagiarise it good. And watch your traffic, conversions and sales skyrocket.